This blog is set up so that people can find Rudy Fecteau, archaeobotanist, easily on the internet. From time to time, I will post pictures and links to articles about archaeobotany. You can reach me by email through my profile or by posting a comment.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

This years activities

     In 2012 I have been busy with a variety of activities that included report preparation and Power Point presentations to both archaeological and public audiences, young and old.


1.  January 11th - 'An Illustrated Archaeobotany of Southern Ontario', Laurentian University for Dr. Patrick Julig's 3rd year Palaeoecology class, Sudbury, Ontario.

2.  March 6th - 8th - 'Plants and Archaeology' Margaret Ann and I were part of the 2nd Annual Historical and Cultural Gathering of the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation at Lloyd S. King school.

3.  April 18th - 'Plants and Archaeology', NYSAA Houghton Chapter at the Buffalo Museum of Science, Buffalo, New York.

4.  April 20th - Display at 'Earth Day' with Paul Racher, Archaeological Research Associates Ltd., Huron Park, Kitchener, Ontario.

5.  April 21st - Display of 'Native Plants in Ontario Prehistory' at the Greenhouse, London Civic Garden, with the Museum of Ontario Archaeology (MOOA) with Margaret Ann, London, Ontario.

6.  July 15th - Display and mini-lab for 'Archaeology Adventure Day', Crawford Lake Village, Milton, Ontario.

7.  July 17th - Display, presentation and mini-lab at Spadina House 'Archaeology Camp' for Dena Doroszenko, Archaeologist, Ontario Heritage Trust, Toronto, Ontario.

8.  July 28th - Display and mini-lab at Wilfrid Jury Day at MOOA, London, Ontario.

9.  August 5th - Display, presentation and mini-lab for Mensa Society Chapter, Kitchener, Ontario.

10.  August 14th - Presentation and display for the Grade 12 history course, TRCAA, Pickering, Ontario.

11.  August 29th, - Presentation and display for Mississaugas of the New Credit Monitor Training Course, New Credit First Nation.

12.  November 10th - 'Preliminary Report on Carbonized Plant Remains from the 11th Century Western Basin Younge Tradition, Cherry Lane Site in Essex County, Ontario', OAS Symposium Paper, Windsor, Ontario.


February 24th - Identification of subfossil wood samples from Sureway Pit, near Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta and the Pine Point Mine, N.W.T., Canada.  Report submitted to Dr. Alwynne Beaudoin, Head Curator, Earth Sciences, Quaternary Environments, Royal Alberta Museum, Edmonton, Alberta.

March 29th - A report on the macro-botanical remains from the Ellery Site (BdGx-8), Simcoe County.  Report submitted to Dr. Alicia Hawkins, Department of Anthropology, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario.

August 23rd - Archaeobotanical remains from the Ivory Hill Site (AfHj-9), a Glen Meyer component site in Delaware Township, Middlesex County, Ontario.  Report submitted to William A. Fox, Research Associate, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Ontario.

October 19th - Archaeobotanical remains from the Cherry Lane Site (AaHg-51), a Western Basin Site in the Town of Leamington, Essex County, Ontario.  Report submitted to Dr. Neal Ferris, Lawson Chair, Anthropology Department, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario.

December -  Archaeobotanical remains from the NYSM 3499 Site, Jefferson County, New York State, U.S.A.  Report being prepared for Dr. Timothy Abel, Carthage, New York.

Saturday, September 01, 2012

Greetings from the Dungeon

Hello readers!

I have set this blog up so that past, present and future colleagues, friends and students can contact me easily. Along the way, I will also post photos and news items....

My lab in the basement affectionately known as "The Dungeon"